Tuesday, September 29, 2009

The game that is cool !

I the game Darfer is Dying it is about Africans running from people who are gonna
take them.It is trying to show us how would it feel to be captured by
mean people like the bad guys on there.I think it meant what poor Africans
had to go threw.It looks like your watching television about a
cartoon.Plus it has great details.It really makes sense.That's why it
seems real to me.It seems so real what they did.If you tried to pick
the parents they are really old and slow.Plus it`s the same thing with
the little kids they are slow because in real life they are kinda slow that`s
why it makes sense to me and real. It is cool everybody likes it is they were playing
the game for a long time on there.It is like a history game.You had to get water and back
to your home without getting seen by the bad guys.If you get seen by them you`ll
go to their headquarters. If I was the crater of that game I would change
the speed on some of the characters.

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