Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Today my school mates and I is seeing snow right now it looks very cool and it looks like fuzz coming out the sky or the angels is having dandruff problem. I`ve seen snow before but not like this I am so flabbergasted and exited about the snow I love the snow it is so cool and so spectacular. The snow is getteing on our nerves because it keeps on going off and on like a light switch peopke is taking pictures and making videos and stuff like that.

Monday, February 22, 2010

The progress I have done well I really do not know much about my progress but i think I should type is I have worked well with my group and I think i am doing well with my work that I`m asked to do more, I am doing great with my team I am doing more stuff in my group which that is very helpful and the group really enjoys some of my great work the people in my group is Maria,Arit,Darian,Ashley,Luis, and me frank Roe. This all the thnings that I can think of about all my progress in this class.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

The role I got in my group is doing the flash in it is designing the game because I am the creative one that is in my group. I am good at this job because like I said I am the creative one in my group and stuff. Yes I had a disagreement with them I was online looking up game pitches and another person was on GMail and the team captain told me to get off and said I was on something else and he did not won`t me on the computer and did not say anything to the person who was on GMail I was peed off at him like I always do. Tell him first before I get on. Well I look forward of the game is the game part. The inspiration of our game is teamwork we need a lot of teamwork for us to become famous of our cool rad game we are going to make and go to present it that will be so coool if that happen we got to keep it together and stuff. thank you for reading!

Thursday, February 4, 2010

I think doing the paper prototype was cool telling about our game ideas and sharing. It was not fun but not boring and not hard it just was all in the middle of all of those things I just listed. Yes I do understand the importance about the paper prototype because you need to tell people what are you going to do and get ready to do what you need to do. I was hard to work because there is a few people that has different ideas and you have a good one but they will not lsten to you and teamwork we all have different ideas. I have a lot of things to say one boy sprayed lysol in the the other person in the eye the same kids were playing games on the computer one of them were the team captain he always goes and always play with the other groups that just really pees me off ya know. I think maby get me together and stay on task and stuff. I really thak you for reading this post.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

My thoughts about Globaloria is that I fell that I am doing well and doing great in my tech group
and fell like my group are going to be a great group and I think I am learning more stuff now in this class. I enjoy and do not enjoy Globaloria cause some days I know what she is saying and is fun working with the other kids and sometimes it is not boring. And some days it is boring like doing flash and seeing and listening what the teacher is saying to us. What I have learned in tech class is and was making the carrot and the bunny bunny move on our flash and putting them into our myglife or wiki and putting it on our wiki pages and we which we did a long time ago was making a Gmail and wiki and what we are doing now is doing getting into groups and trying to make game ideas about our games like our health needs or stuff that is going around in the community and what are the needs or issues. I am not a big fan of blogging but it is fun to and it can get all the things you want to talk about and put your expressions into your blog but I kind of enjoy doing blogs. We are learning in tech is getting into groups and doing our game ideas we are putting it together and have to put some math in it and put our social needs from east Austin in there. I look foward to learning in this class is to make a real game and see how does our game looks like. well my group and I are putting math which is objective 1 and putting our social issue is health and it is comming out well and i am so exited to make a game cause I would like other people to play our game.